I sold my car in December. At first it was liberating. No more insurance, registration, traffic , tickets, the dreaded red and blue lights in my rear view mirror, accidents, parking, tow away zones, worrying about it getting broken into, oil changes, costly maintenance and repairs, squeaky breaks, bald tires. None of that. I slept a little better the night.
I looked up the local bus routes and decided that it would be a refreshing challenge to utilize my cities public transportation system. I told myself I was doing it for the environment to make myself feel a little greener, a little more "hip". I have learned some interesting things about living car free. Mainly that it sucks. Its taken my all of this time to finally admit this. Here are a few reasons why I now despise riding the bus and am currently saving my pennies for a shiny new car.
Bus drivers are mean!!! They are miserable people. I once was yelled out for a whole bus ride for being a quarter short of the fair. I try to be as nice as I can be to these drivers and they still use every chance they get to be absolute a holes. They act like its my fault that they never finished college.
The waiting!!! This will really test your patience. I have spent hours waiting at freezing bus stops
checking the time, wondering if I was waiting for a bus that already came. Watching all of the cool people drive by in their serene little bubbles listening to their stereos, zipping around, laughing it up as I waited and waited hoping no one I knew would spot me pacing around the bus stop like a bum. I recommend bringing a good book or a handheld video game , a crossword puzzle, anything that will distract you from the humbling experience.
Its dangerous. I work in a bad neighborhood and missed my usual bus home one evening. As a result I had to hang around a shady block watching people buy and sell drugs, piss on the streets, and cuss and fight. When I finally got on the bus it was packed with shifty looking characters who all seemed to have their eyes fixed on my purse. I sat there imagining what weapons each of them were concealing. I spent the whole ride tense and regretting not purchasing a can of mace. It took me across the tracks to places I have only seen in crime movies. I was so happy to be home that night. I could finally relax after patting myself down making sure I wasn't bleeding from some unknown puncture wound and checking to make sure I still had my wallet.
Catching the wrong one can mess up your whole schedule. I have boarded the wrong bus on several occasions and ended up in strange places. I ended up being 2 hours late to work several times just because of one wrong move. One laps in clarity when one of those a hole bus drivers failed to give me the right routes.
So in conclusion, the bus is a great alternative to an automobile for a very short time. At first it can be somewhat exciting and feel like a mini adventure. I do not recommend relying only on buses. Its not impossible to get around without a car but you will annoy the heck out of your friends, bumming rides gets old , and riding the bus is exhausting.
much love,
much love,
I agree with you. Luckily I'm a guy so I don't have to worry about all the problems you do. For the most part I learned how to fall asleep sitting while waiting for the bus, or to reach my stop. So I didn't really have to deal with strange people of the bus. Yes, for the most part the drivers are assholes! I only had one really nice driver but he was only nice because he was weeks away from retiring! Biking and busing to commute had been pretty cool for a while, but ultimately I found that car pooling is the best option for trying to be eco-friendly.