What is the difference between God and Bono?
God doesn't think he's Bono. hahahahahaahaha
1.He wears sunglasses that a Euro trash hooker on vacation in Miami wouldn't wear as a corpse in a ditch. Its just a sad attempt to hide his lizard eyes
2.Don't ever bitch about global poverty if you are a multi millionaire. He has all of these charities yet doesn't put ANY of his own money into them. He has in own IPOD and doesn't donate any of the spoils to anything other than his yellow tinted sunglasses fund.
3. The fact that a twat like him was nominated for the Nobel peace prize makes me want to vomit.
4.Don;t mix music and politics. It feels like I'm paying money to be whined at.
5. I'm so sick of seeing that under bite every time I turn on the news.
6.He tried to sue his old hairdresser for a hat that he gave her. She tried to sell it on eBay after going through financial troubles. That pompous ass
7. U2 made $389m from the recent Vertigo tour. Its revenue was then funnelled through companies mostly registered in Ireland and structured to minimize taxes. He is a tax dodger despite being a millionaire
8. He is the lead singer of the band "you too" who hasn't made any decent music since the 80s but mysteriously maintains a cult like following. He must take off his glasses during concerts and hypnotize fans with his lizard eyes.
9. His lyrics are pretentious pseudo intellectual drivel, meaningless in the extreme. An his improvised poetry is embarrassing.
10. His so called charity work is constantly exposed by African aid organisations as detrimental to the situation in Africa, but his twatty fans go on about it, claiming that anyone who hates him is against the concept of charity.
11.Every time somebody most of us admire dies, Bono turns up on a documentary, claiming that their music directly influenced U2 (Joy Division, you wish, The Clash? Please)
12.His band has a huge carbon foot print, beaten by only Sting, another so called environmentalist (hypocrite)
13.According to Thom Yorke (Radiohead), whenever they met world leaders together for Make Poverty History, while Thom Yorke was talking about reform, Bono just acted like a buffoon, and posed for photos (such as making the frail John Paul II wear his stupid Fly sunglasses, making the actual negotiations next to impossible.
14. He wears leather pants despite being middle aged.
15. He nicknamed himself "Bono vox" which means "good voice" in Latin .
In conclusion Bono is a pompous hypocritical jerk. I cant stand him. There are many many other reasons why I cant stand Bono but this is enough for now
much love,
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